![]() 30.06.2014 New content fom the Turkish wln-nlu board
![]() 29.06.2014 Pictures from the meeting in Poland on Slovenian wln-nlu board
01.06.2014 Desemination and project influence in Latina.
![]() 30.05. We are finishig the meeting in Poland, you can follow our work on Twitter
21.05.2014 Polish team lounch national web site http://spkrzywdacomenius.wix.com/wln-nlu
![]() 15.05.2014 Some new content about the endangered species in Slovenia on our WLN-NLU board appear.
10.02..2014 Italian WLN NLU team anounced their link to Speciale Europa con inserto We Love Nature Newsopaper
![]() 04.02. 2014 An article from the Polish newspaper about the Comenius meeting in Slovenia
14. 01. 2014 We add two presentations from Italy. First is in Contributions tab, the second is a part of the first day meeting presentation about Italy.
![]() Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 23. 12. 2013 There is a new page "Contributions" with e new content. All the national teams colect and translate traditional food recepies. Enjoy.
You are invited to visit nacional pages with a new contents. 25.11.2013 Magazine Slovenske novice publish an article about our meeting in Kranj. The same text was published in eŠolske novice week ago.
16.11.2013 After we finish the meeting in Kranj, there are some pictures of our weekly actitvities in the workshops in school and excursions around Kranj. You can see them in Meeting tab. Short story you can find on Tweeter or Facebook. Follow us, there is more to come.
Thank you for all the teachers from France Prešeren school, who prepare the meeting: Sonja, Suzana, Vika, Suza, Tadeja, Elvira, Marjana, Jana, Karmen, Marko & Aleš. 09.11.2013 We add phrases on the web.
05.11.2013 Plan for the meeting in Slovenia is finaly made. We fixed who is responsible for the tasks we prepare and who will lead the workshops.
![]() 25.10.2013 We launch a new logo which was made by Italian team and confirm by all team leaders. Congratulation.
15.10.2013 Voting for the best logo. Only members can vote for the best logo. Ask for password.
06.10.2013 Web site was born