Global Vilage Aiesec

well, I want to congratulate AIESEC Kranj and specially Rokito ;) because I have been in a lot of Global Villages in different countries and I can say that it was the best for me, because it was not just cultural interaction, but it was also Community involvement, Social work, team work and a lot of fun!!!! So, this kind of projects make us FEEL AIESEC IMPACT!!!!

So, thanks AIESEC Kranj for inviting me to be part of this wonderful activity, it was a honour for me.



HOla Chicos!

Thank you all... this was the most wonderful experience since I arrived in Slovenia... sharing with you precious moments (cooking, relaxing, working hard, preparing, organizing), getting involved with Kranj community throug children and the most important thing, having the opportunity to show my culture and interact with yours have no price... I will keep these days in my heart!

I ensure you that all the effort and hard work you put on Global Village are worth ... the impact your made throug this project is huge... not only you made tranees happy, you put one smile in all those children ... 

Gracias y exitos!!!



We've completed our Global Village successfully. We wouldn't have made it without your help. So we would like to thank you all for all the help and support you gave us.

We're looking forward for future cooperation with such great people like you!!!

Thank you!!!
Rok Spanring