<![CDATA[WE LOVE NATURE, NATURE LOVES US! - Blog]]>Tue, 29 Sep 2015 20:42:58 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Polish team about the meeting in Istanbul]]>Fri, 12 Jun 2015 12:35:57 GMThttp://www.wln-nlu.com/blog/polish-team-about-the-meeting-in-istanbul I really liked staying in Turkey. There are s omany beautiful places. People are very nice. I made new friends. I also liked the Turkish food. It was very delicious.


 My school friends and I went to Istanbul for a week from a Comenius project. When we started to fly there I was very scared beacuse I was 3000 km from my home and it was the first time I went by plane. But when I saw Burak, his mum and brother I was very happy. They took me to their house where I stayed with Gianluca from Italy.

On Monday we went to school where I met Turkish students. Then we went to ISKI to see how they clean wastewater. It is a very huge factory! I really enjoyed a boat trip on Bosphorus. It was a great time because we danced and laughed all the time. In Polonezkoy we had a picnic. On the third day we had presentations. I was very nervous about this and happy when I finished reading. In Ataturk Arboretum we saw a lot of interesting plants and trees. I liked a trip to the old town where we saw some unique places. I enjoyed evenings very much because we spent them outside. We rode bikes, ate ice creams and did shopping. We had a great time in Burak’s house too. I liked Turkish cola and Burak’s parents.


 The thing I liked the best in Turkey was a cruise on Bosphorus Strait. I also liked a visit to aquarium. I’ve never seen so beautiful fish so far! The workshops at school were also cool: we made new friends, painted and had a lot of fun!


 Istanbul is a beautiful and very huge city! I liked Istanbul aquarium best. It was amazing! There were big glass walls and we could see colourful fish, rays, dangerous sharks and different plants. I was also amazed when I saw the Blue Mosque and Basilica Cistern in reality.

In Turkey there were tasty dishes. I met very kind people there. Izem and her family are really great! They are very hearty and hospitable. They took care of me and Dominika. I hope I’ll go to Turkey again.


<![CDATA[Polish team about the meeting in Latina]]>Fri, 12 Jun 2015 12:30:44 GMThttp://www.wln-nlu.com/blog/polish-team-about-the-meeting-in-latina The meeting in Italy was so excited. We visited lots of interesting places like Rome, Sperlonga or Sermoneta. The Colloseum in Rome was beautiful and the trip to Vatican was amazing.

In Italy we ate lots of Italian food, for example pizza or pasta. I didn’t think their dishes are so great! The best and most important thing were people. They were very hospitable and nice! I lived in Elisabetta’s house. Her parents and brother were very friendly. Sometimes it was difficult to speak English but then we could draw or gesticulate. It was funny! We also learnt some new words in Italian, Slovenian and Turkish. I met lots of new people and I often chat with them on the Internet now. I love Italy and I hope I’ll come back there.

Martyna from Poland  

The first day of our trip was full of excitement. We met with the families. I made a lot of new friends. Every day we visited new places. I also got to know Italian culture and customs. I liked the dishes very much. Ester, my host friend, is a very nice and friendly girl. Her parents were also very nice for me and felt in their house like in my own. We also had interesting workshops. Italy is a beautiful country! I love Italy!

Emilia from Poland

  In Italy I liked everything: people, food and places. We visited many beautiful places but I liked Ninfa Garden best. It is so amazing! There are a lot of colourful flowers, old trees, small brooks and waterfalls. I admired old buildings too. When we were in pantanello we could see pictures with insects, birds and hear their voices.

Italian people are very nice and kind. I really like Eleonora and her family. Her mum cooked tasty cookies for us! The food there was delicious, my favourites were pizza and spaghetti. It was funny when we learnt Italian words.

I’d like to go to Italy again in the future! It’s a lovely country! I never forget this trip.

Oliwia from Poland

I enjoyed the trip to Italy very much. I met a lot of new people. I stay in contact with Laura. It was very funny there and the food was delicious! I’d like to meet those people again.

Patrycja from Poland

Italy is a beautiful country. Amazing views made me feel happy. I met very kind and protective people who took care of me. I also liked the dishes, especially the ones I ate for the first time. I hope I’ll go to Italy in the future.

Ania from Poland

<![CDATA[Slovenian team about the project meeting in Turkey]]>Sun, 17 May 2015 07:14:47 GMThttp://www.wln-nlu.com/blog/slovenian-team-about-the-project-meeting-in-turkeyAt the beginning I was scared. Living with complete strangers for an entire week seemed like a nightmare. But when the family picked me up at the airport I felt relief. They were very nice and they made me feel like I was a part of their family. I was also pleasantly surprised by their English.
The 2nd day we went to school and it was weird, everyone was starring and us, but we got used to it... After a while. But to conclude it was a new experience and an amazing one. I do miss the family and the friends I got there. Turkey was an amazing experience and if I get the opportunity to go back again I would take that opportunity.
Urša Pestar

This was my first long journey . I was excited about city, people, school, attractions … I loved theme of project and the week programe too. Everything was great, so I will love to come back to Turkey again, all to wonderful family like Bayza's.
Alja Lah

I was having a great time in Turkey. Turkey has a lot of interesting
places. Like waste water treatment plant, Botanical Garden, Sulejman's
square, Aquarium and Blue mosque. The mosques are very beautyfull. The host
family was very very kind. I had a lot of fun with them. I allredy miss
them. Istanbull is very croudy. The only problem in turkey was It was to
Miha Čelik

<![CDATA[Obisk v Latini v Italiji]]>Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:49:09 GMThttp://www.wln-nlu.com/blog/obisk-v-latini-v-italijiV nedeljo smo se zgodaj zjutraj odpelji v Italijo. Šli smo s šolsim kombijem. Vozil je gospod ravnatelj. Med potjo smo se večkrat  vstavili in ogledali smo si tudi cerkev. Vožnja  je bila zelo naporna.

Zvečer  ko smo prišli v Italijo so nas pred osnovno šolo pričakale družine. Z Niko sva bili pri Chiari, katera je bila lansko leto pri nas doma v Sloveniji. Z njeno družino smo se odpeljali domov, kjer nama je Chiarina mama pripravila zelo dobro večerjo. Malo smo poklepetali in nato odšli spat. Noč je bila zelo kratka, kajti zjutraj sva zelo zgodaj vsatli in odšli na ogled nacionalnega parka. Dnevi so tako hitro minevali, saj smo si vsak dan ogledali zelo veliko stvari. V ćetrtek je bil najbolj zanimiv dan, saj smo odćli v Rim in Vatikan, kjer smo si ogledali tudi cerkev, kjer mašuje papež, vendar ga nismo videli.

Zadnji dan sva z Niko od Chiarine drižine dobili darilce. Zahvalili sva se za vse kar so nama dali v teh dneh. Zvečer smo imeli v šoli še zabavo in uživali. Vrnili smo se pozno in odšli spat. Naslednje jutro sva pospravili vsaka svoje stvari v kovčke se z družino slikali in drižina naju je odpeljala pred šolo, kjer so nas pričakaliučitelji. Nato smo se poslovili in odšli. Bili smo zalostni. Ko smo se vračali v Slovenijo smo se ustvili še v Pisi, kjer smo si ogledali poševni stolp. Vožnja do konca je bila zelo dolga. Imela sem se zelo lepo in bi še kdaj šla.

Tajda Ribnikar

<![CDATA[Italian team about theĀ meeting in PolandĀ ]]>Thu, 12 Jun 2014 06:43:57 GMThttp://www.wln-nlu.com/blog/italian-team-about-the-polish-meetingThe trip to Poland was wonderful because it was an experience that helped me to grow up.
Thanks to this trip, I improved my English and made a lot of new friends.
I also visited beautiful places; my favourite city was Warsaw, because it was very traditional.
The host family was very welcoming and made me feel like at home.
Martyna’s mother was a young woman and she was very nice, her sister was a beautiful girl, her grandma was very funny and Martyna was a great girl.
I had a wonderful time with them.
The school was cool and there was a big garden, full of flowers and plants.
I already miss all my Comenius friends!


Last week I had a very significant life experience.
On 25th of May I went to Fiumicino Airport in Rome with three school friends and teachers because I took part in the Comenius project “We love nature-nature loves us”.
In my life I had never seen an airport and when I saw it for the first time, I realized it was very cool!
The plane was very comfortable and I liked flying a lot.
When we arrived in Poland I was a bit worried because I was going to stay for a week with unknown people, but luckily I found a beautiful and extremely kind family.
Poland is a very nice and interesting country; we visited a lot of beautiful  places, like for example Warsaw, the capital city.
At the end of the week, when we had to come back to Italy we were all very sad because we had become very fond  both of our host families and our Polish friends.
I really miss Poland…..


In my school we are doing a European project, “We love nature-nature loves us” which includes Poland,Slovenia, Turkey and Italy.
From 25th to 31st of May, Ester, Elisabetta, Simone and me went to Poland with our teachers and the headmistress of our school.
In Poland we were hosted by different Polish families.
Polish schools are very different from Italian schools. Outside there is also a park with a little pond.
The girl who hosted me was very kind and her family too.
In Poland I met a lot of nice and cute guys. So, in a nutshell, I loved this wonderful experience a lot!


Let’s start from the beginning of our journey….
The flight was very comfortable, even if before boarding I was a bit scared: When we got off the plane the fear was gone.
My host family was very kind because they offered me hospitality and welcomed me into their house as if I were one of its members.
During our staying in Poland I visited amazing places, wonderful  museums, parks and castles. In my opinion, the most beautiful place we visited was Warsaw; in fact I was struck by the colours of the houses and its wonderful historical centre.
The people I knew were fantastic: They all were hospitable and kind; most of the girls were very tiny and all the boys were very funny and cute with us.
The experience I had in Poland has been one of the most beautiful I have ever had in my life.


<![CDATA[Polish impresions from the meeting in Slovenia]]>Tue, 04 Feb 2014 10:05:42 GMThttp://www.wln-nlu.com/blog/polish-impresions-from-the-meeting-in-sloveniaPicture
In Slovenia people are very friendly. School in Kranj is very big, it’s bigger than our school. During our visit we worked in 3 groups:  drama, music and art. I was in the art group. The teachers were very good and helpful. I think Slovenian traditional food is OK, but Polish food is better. I enjoyed the trips very much. Slovenia is great!

Ewelina from Poland

In November we were in Slovenia. Paweł, Patrycja , Julka, Ewelina, teachers and me went to Slovenian school. We went there by plane – it was so exciting!

The school is in Kranj – a small town not far from the capital Ljubljana. The students were staying in houses of Slovenian students. Patrycja was in Nika’s house, Julka and Ewelina were in Maja’s house, and me and Paweł were in Samo’s house.  At the school we met Slovenian, Italian and Turkish students and we became friends. During those 5 days we visited Kranj, Ljubljana – the capital city of Slovenia, Brdo, Bled and ecological farm. When we came back to Poland we were very happy. I think this adventure with Comenius was one of the best in my life.

Martyna from Poland

Slovenia is a small but beautiful country. I like it very much. Lake in Bled, park in Brdo, Ljubljana and Kranj are very captivating places. The host family in which I stayed is very nice and friendly. However, traditional Slovenian food is not the best in the world.

Patrycja from Poland

<![CDATA[Italian impresions from the meeting in Slovenia]]>Sun, 01 Dec 2013 10:45:56 GMThttp://www.wln-nlu.com/blog/italian-impresions-from-the-meeting-in-sloveniaPicture
The first meeting in Slovenia with our Comenius friends, coming from different countries, was very interesting. When I met my host family I was really embarrassed, but then it was funny and they were so nice with me! The school we visited is fantastic! There were lots of laboratories and the students wore slippers! That’s unusual for us. The trips were beautiful and interesting. My favourite trip was the one to Bled’s lake. The place seemed so surrealistic, as if we were living in a fairy tale. I’m very happy to have taken part in this project also because I met lots of new friends  of different countries and for this reason I spoke English always and everywhere, sometimes even with my Italian friends.


I was very happy to be in the Comenius project Because I made new friends and I experienced for the first time staying a week far from home: I was happy to see the logo that I created together with my friend Chiara. It was everywhere in the school. We were so proud! I spoke English with my new friends all the time. I’d like to repeat this wonderful experience; it was really nice and I’ll remember it for a lifetime. Thanks everybody from Camilla.

The week in Slovenia was very nice for us, because we always spoke English and we met friends from other countries. The family where I stayed was very friendly, kind and polite.The classes of the school we visited are bright, large and modern. In the school there is a canteen, two gyms, a kitchen and a lot of different classes for the students. We were very excited to share this experience with our teachers and with our new friends:We were so happy in Slovenia and we miss everything and everybody of this wonderful country. I hope to take part in a Comenius project in the future.!

 Particular thanks to the headmaster, Suzana, Sonia, Marko and Andrej.


                                                                                                       Love, Sonia

The trip to Slovenia was an unforgettable experience, especially because I could speak English, know people of different countries and visit lots of wonderful places. The school was very nice, comfortable, colourful and bright. In my opinion, the best place we visited was Bles, with its spectacular lake, the small island and the little church in the middle! I also enjoyed Lubiana, the capital, with its bridges and its castle on the top of the hill and Brdo with its huge park and forest.

The family where I stayed was so special! I really miss them all….I enjoyed the Comenius project so much!!!!!!!!

                                                                                    All the best from Chiara
